The Joys of Printed Photos

Photos are a great way to remember important events, milestones, and memories created with friends and family over the years. Since their invention, generations have collected their printed photos in albums and scrapbooks and proudly brought them out at family gatherings. But with the progress in technology and the rise of social media many of us have stopped printing out photos and instead keep everything online. While Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat have all provided fun new ways to keep friends and family updated with our lives, are we missing out by no longer keeping photos in print form?

Here are a few reasons why printed photos are still worth keeping.

Taking photos at events is a no-brainer. We all want the chance to share our best memories with others. Hiring a photo booth for your next event, wedding or party is an extension of that desire to create lasting memories with friends and family. As with the photos you take with a camera or your phone, a photo booth gives you immediate access to your great snaps and the chance to share them with your friends and family. 

Going beyond a camera or phone, your rented photo booth also provides you  with a printed copy of your photo booth shots. The fun images that are captured through the photo booth are guaranteed to create memories you’ll want to keep. And printed photos make excellent take home party gifts for your guests, and a guarantee they won’t forget about the special memories created at your event!

Not only do our printed photos provide an excellent gift for your guests, but they also make for a great gift to yourself. You too can keep a copy of your guests’ crazy photos and candid shots. Simply add a scrapbook or photo wall at your event and asks guests to share their photo booth prints. This way, you too can have an instant collection of memories from the night. You can even request guests to add a comment to their photo for an extra special touch. If it’s your wedding, graduation or special birthday you’re celebrating, this is a great chance for guests to leave advice and precious comments.

Enquire today to get your photo booth ready for your next event, and start sharing those printed photos once again!

Author: gary

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