5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Photo Booth

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Photo Booth

Hiring a photo booth is no longer the novelty it was a few years ago. Party organisers appreciate photo booths for their ice-breaking potential as much as they love the joy their party guests get from playing with backdrops and props. However, not all photo booths are equal and if you’re planning to hire a photo booth for your event, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure you get the best service possible....

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The Best Christmas Party Themes

The Best Christmas Party Themes

Themed Christmas parties are a trend that started a few years back and isn’t going to stop any time soon. Why not? Because creating a different world and inviting your party guests to step away from their everyday surroundings is just sooooo much fun! Children love costume and dress up parties, but as we grow, we tend to lose a little of that playful spirit and think that formal is the new fabulous. No longer. Grown-ups can have...

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